Stainless steel screen interpretation of deco深圳市
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Stainless steel screen interpretation of deco

The screen, an ancient Han architecture, a furniture for internal windshields, the so-called "screen". " The screen is generally furnished in a remarkable location in the room, which is separated, beautified, wind wind, coordination. The screen is not only beautified ...

The screen, an ancient Han architecture, a furniture for internal windshields, the so-called "screen". " The screen is generally furnished in a remarkable location in the room, which is separated, beautified, wind wind, coordination. The screen not only has a beautified decoration effect, it is more beautiful, Nafu, gathering, to improve home and company Feng Shui。

Take the tradition, creative deductive stainless steel screen, let the screens that are uniform, combined with the modern stainless steel exquisite skills, and stream this to the world with its unique styling charm and mellow cultural connotation. to date.

A slightly residual visual effect built in stainless steel screens is being unwinding to the Chinese people's implicit psychology. Tang Dynasty Li Shangyin Shi: The cloud screen is deep, the long river is gradually falling. Ying Ying candlelight projected in mica screen, borrowed the scenery, and portraited the unique meaning of the poet, and also gave a more profound metaphor.

With the evolution of aesthetic trend in different periods, the screen from simple masking, windshield deepened to carrying Chinese classical aesthetic connotation, has already present more fashionable pursuit. Therefore, more and more designers pay attention to the beauty of stainless steel screens, the beauty of color painting and elegant beauty.

The modern decoration pays attention to the style of the screen, and the refined, novel color stainless steel screen is in line with the pace of modern people to pursue popularity. Villa luxury homes, star hotels, high-end clubs, etc., stainless steel screens have been greatly available.

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